Setting up mutagenesis of whole window


Saideep Gona


March 9, 2023

PRE = "/c/Users/Saideep/Box/imlab-data/data-Github/Daily-Blog-Sai"

SLUG="setting-up-mutagenesis-of-whole-window" ## copy the slug from the header
bDATE='2023-03-08' ## copy the date from the blog's header here
DATA = glue("{PRE}/{bDATE}-{SLUG}")
if(!file.exists(DATA)) system(glue::glue("mkdir {DATA}"))
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Yesterday, the issue with the merged pipeline was identified. The work for doing that can be found here:

Debugging merged pipeline

Since it means that the prior expression results (All GEUVADIS, ~20k protein coding genes) were likely incorrect, I am rerunning the set on Theta. This should take a few days.

Improved mutagenesis experiments

In the meantime, it is a good idea to prepare the next batch of runs to submit so that we are actively making use of our Theta allocations. To this end, I think it will be helpful for all my downstream analyses to upgrade my existing mutagenesis pipeline in the following ways:

1.) Run both the forward and reverse strand and average their predictions to expand the “sample size” for any given input.

2.) The pipeline should operate using VCF file as input. In particular, it should do mutagenesis on all variants in the VCF file.

3.) The mutagenesis should now also be personalized. Before, we simply mutated the reference sequence at a single site in a gene’s window, and observed the expression fold change between the two inputs. Now we want to measure the expression difference conditioned on individual variation at all sites in the input window for a given individual. This can help us break down the personalized signal we are observing. We can call these “marginal” effect sizes, based on the fact that we are only looking at a single variant having conditioned on the other genotypes being fixed. We can ask important downstream questions from here, such as:

  • Are the marginal effect sizes constant across individuals?
  • How closely does do marginal effect sizes match when conditioned on reference background vs. personalized backgrounds?
  • Is the difference in expression from the reference sequence for a given personalized input sequence easily computed as the sum of effect sizes of alternate variants?

These are all very useful metrics for breaking down the observed signal. It would be really nice, for example, to know what is driving the population variation in ERAP2 expression according to Enformer. In addition, we are currently testing for haplotype epistasis. This is something of a “loaded” analysis. Epistasis signals could be caused by the interaction between two different variants on opposing haplotypes, but the effect of these variants is diluted in the overall haplotypic expression. This could give us a chance to test for more specific haplotypic mechanisms.


We can formalize the above logic a bit. Let’s let \(G_{i,g}^{p,1}\) be the predicted(Enformer) expression of gene \(g\) for individual \(i\) for haplotype \(1\). This value is the result of all nucleotides in the personalized sequence jointly passed through Enformer:

\(G_{i,g}^{p,1} = Quantification(Enformer((S_{i,w,g} \forall w \in \{1,2,...,W\})))=QE(S_{i,g})\)

\("Enformer"\) is a shorthand function representing the standard pretrained Enformer model, taking DNA sequence of length \(W=393216\) as input. \(Quantification\) is shorthand for whichever quantification process converts the enformer track outputs to finals signal. For genes, the standard is summed haplotype quantification. \(QE\) is shorthand for both operations together. \(S_{i,w,g}\) is the nucleotide (A,C,G,T) at position \(w\) for individual \(i\) and within the window designated by gene \(g\). \(S_{i,g}\) is the whole personalized input sequence for individual \(i\) and gene \(g\).

For convenience, we can also denote the reference sequence \(R_{g}\) as the reference sequence for gene \(g\) input window. The expression for the reference sequence at gene \(g\) is therefore:

\(G_{R,g}^{p} = QE(R_{g})\)

The common way to calculate the effect size of a mutation using Enformer is to use the reference sequence as a baseline and then calculate the fold change after mutating a single nucleotide. Formally:

\(\delta_{m,g}^{A} = \frac{QE((R_{w,g} \forall w \in \{1,2,...,m-1\},S_{A,m,g},R_{w,g} \forall w \in \{m+1,m+2,...,W\}))}{QE(R_{g})}\)

The numerator is just a way of saying that we are running Enformer using the reference sequence, except that the nucleotide at position \(m\) is mutated to alternative allele \(A\).

\(\delta_{m,g}^{A}\) is generally reported as the “effect size” of the mutation according to Enformer. However, it is not guarenteed that this effect will hold consistent in all genomic contexts. For example, we could try and measure the effect size in a given individual:

\(\delta_{i,m,g}^{A} = \frac{QE((S_{i,w,g} \forall w \in \{1,2,...,m-1\},S_{A,m,g},S_{i,w,g} \forall w \in \{m+1,m+2,...,W\}))}{QE((S_{i,w,g} \forall w \in \{1,2,...,m-1\},S_{R,m,g},S_{i,w,g} \forall w \in \{m+1,m+2,...,W\}))}\)

Keep in mind that Enformer is highly non-linear. It has plenty of room to learn conditional dependencies between input variants. It could be the case that \(\delta_{i,m,g}^{A}\) tends to match up with \(\delta_{m,g}^{A}\) across individuals in the population, but this has not been properly investigated.

Actually running the experiments

For a given gene, there may be a variable number of listed variants in the VCF file. We will limit the number of variants to only those in the VCF(having some amount of population level variation). For each variant, we need:

  • 2 runs (REF,ALT) for each context
  • 2 contexts per variant (haplo1,haplo2)
  • N number of individuals we want to