title: "analyzing-ERAP2-personalized-mutagenesis"
author: "Saideep Gona"
date: "2023-04-04"
code-fold: true
code-summary: "Show the code"
freeze: true
warning: false
#| label: Set up box storage directory
suppressMessages (library (tidyverse))
suppressMessages (library (glue))
PRE = "/Users/saideepgona/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/imlab-data/data-Github/Daily-Blog-Sai"
SLUG= "analyzing-ERAP2-personalized-mutagenesis" ## copy the slug from the header
bDATE= '2023-04-04' ## copy the date from the blog's header here
DATA = glue ("{PRE}/{bDATE}-{SLUG}" )
if (! file.exists (DATA)) system (glue:: glue ("mkdir {DATA}" ))
# Context
It's time to analyze the ERAP2 mutagenesis results from reference-based and individual mutagenesis
### Load in relevant metadata
metadata_dir = "/Users/saideepgona/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/imlab-data/data-Github/analysis-Sai/metadata"
pop_metadata <- read_delim (file.path (metadata_dir,"relationships_w_pops.txt" ))
rownames (pop_metadata) <- pop_metadata$ IID
gene_annotations <- read_csv (file.path (metadata_dir,"ref_local_ancestry" ,"gene_annotations.csv" ))
genes <- as.vector (gene_annotations$ ...1 )
gene_annotations <- gene_annotations[,2 : ncol (gene_annotations)]
rownames (gene_annotations) <- genes
gene_annotations["ENSG00000164308" ,]
sum (rowSums (gene_annotations)== 0 )
hist (rowSums (gene_annotations))
# Geuvadis expression
dset_dir <- "/Users/saideepgona/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/imlab-data/data-Github/analysis-Sai/enformer_geuvadis/enformer_portability_analysis"
geuvadis_full <- read_delim (file.path (dset_dir,"GD462.GeneQuantRPKM.50FN.samplename.resk10.txt" ))
geuvadis_genes_symbols <- sapply (str_split (geuvadis_full$ Gene_Symbol, " \\ ." ),` [ ` ,1 )
geuvadis <- as.data.frame (geuvadis_full[,5 : ncol (geuvadis_full)])
rownames (geuvadis) <- geuvadis_genes_symbols
data_dir = "/Users/saideepgona/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/imlab-data/data-Github/analysis-Sai/enformer_geuvadis/ERAP2_personalized_mutagenesis"
genotype_data <- read_csv (file.path (data_dir,"genotypes_df.csv" ))
variant_ids <- as.vector (genotype_data[,1 ])[[1 ]]
rownames (genotype_data) <- as.vector (genotype_data[,1 ])[[1 ]]
genotype_data[,1 ] <- NULL
rownames (genotype_data) <- variant_ids
allele_count_df <- ifelse (genotype_data== "1|1" ,2 ,ifelse (genotype_data== "0|0" ,0 ,1 ))
rownames (allele_count_df) <- variant_ids
variant_metadata_df <- data.frame (af= rowSums (allele_count_df)/ (2 * ncol (allele_count_df* 2 )))
## Effect size of reference variants alone
It will help to have the effect size of these variants when using a reference background alone. We can load these in:
data_dir = "/Users/saideepgona/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/imlab-data/data-Github/analysis-Sai/enformer_geuvadis/ERAP2_personalized_mutagenesis"
haplo1_ref <- read_csv (file.path (data_dir,"erap2_personalized_LCL_REF_quantification_haplo1.csv" ))
haplo1_ref <- haplo1_ref[,3 : ncol (haplo1_ref)]
haplo1_ref_rc <- read_csv (file.path (data_dir,"erap2_personalized_LCL_REF_quantification_haplo1_rc.csv" ))
haplo1_ref_rc<- haplo1_ref_rc[,3 : ncol (haplo1_ref_rc)]
haplo1_ref_ave = data.frame (t ((haplo1_ref_rc + haplo1_ref)/ 2 ))
colnames (haplo1_ref_ave) <- c ("expression" )
reference_hap_expression <- as.numeric (haplo1_ref_ave[1 ,1 ])
haplo2_ref <- read_csv (file.path (data_dir,"erap2_personalized_LCL_REF_quantification_haplo2.csv" ))
haplo2_ref <- haplo2_ref[,3 : ncol (haplo2_ref)]
haplo2_ref_rc <- read_csv (file.path (data_dir,"erap2_personalized_LCL_REF_quantification_haplo2_rc.csv" ))
haplo2_ref_rc <- haplo2_ref_rc[,3 : ncol (haplo2_ref_rc)]
haplo2_ref_ave = data.frame (t ((haplo2_ref_rc + haplo2_ref)/ 2 ))
colnames (haplo2_ref_ave) <- c ("expression" )
ref_dif <- haplo2_ref_ave - haplo1_ref_ave
colnames (ref_dif) <- c ("dif" )
ref_dif$ ids <- rownames (ref_dif)
ref_dif <- ref_dif %>% separate (ids,into = c ("individual" ,"mutated_variant" ,"ref" ))
ref_dif$ pos <- as.numeric (ref_dif$ mutated_variant)
ref_dif$ voi <- ifelse (ref_dif$ mutated_variant %in% c ("96916885" ,"96916728" ,"96900192" ),TRUE ,FALSE )
ref_dif$ voi_sizes <- as.numeric (ifelse (ref_dif$ mutated_variant %in% c ("96916885" ,"96916728" ,"96900192" ),15 ,1 ))
ref_dif$ allele_freq <- as.numeric (variant_metadata_df[ref_dif$ mutated_variant,1 ])
ggplot (ref_dif) + geom_point (aes (x= pos,y= dif, color = allele_freq), alpha= 0.5 ) + scale_x_continuous (breaks = seq (96875986-80000 , 96875986 + 80000 , by = 20000 )) + theme (axis.text.x = element_text (angle = 90 , vjust = 0.5 , hjust= 1 )) + geom_vline (xintercept = 96875986 ) + ylab ("variant effect magnitude" ) + xlab ("position on chr5" ) + ggtitle ("In-silico mutagenesis of ERAP2 variants" )
ggplot (ref_dif) + geom_point (aes (x= allele_freq, y= dif))
Ok, let's see how well some of these interesting variants correlate with the expression patterns we are seeing:
Calculate true individual-specific expression estimates, this first requires loading the personalized expression:
library (tidyverse)
haplo1 <- read_csv (file.path (data_dir,"erap2_personalized_LCL_quantification_haplo1.csv" ))
haplo1 <- haplo1[,3 : ncol (haplo1)]
haplo1_rc <- read_csv (file.path (data_dir,"erap2_personalized_LCL_quantification_haplo1_rc.csv" ))
haplo1_rc<- haplo1_rc[,3 : ncol (haplo1_rc)]
haplo1_ave = data.frame (t ((haplo1_rc + haplo1)/ 2 ))
colnames (haplo1_ave) <- c ("expression" )
haplo2 <- read_csv (file.path (data_dir,"erap2_personalized_LCL_quantification_haplo2.csv" ))
haplo2 <- haplo2[,3 : ncol (haplo2)]
haplo2_rc <- read_csv (file.path (data_dir,"erap2_personalized_LCL_quantification_haplo2_rc.csv" ))
haplo2_rc <- haplo2_rc[,3 : ncol (haplo2_rc)]
haplo2_ave = data.frame (t ((haplo2_rc + haplo2)/ 2 ))
colnames (haplo2_ave) <- c ("expression" )
haplo1_ave$ ids <- rownames (haplo1_ave)
haplo1_ave <- haplo1_ave %>% separate (ids,into = c ("individual" ,"mutated_variant" ,"mutated_genotype" ))
haplo1_ave$ haplotype <- "1"
haplo1_ref <- haplo1_ave[haplo1_ave$ mutated_genotype == "REF" ,]
haplo1_alt <- haplo1_ave[haplo1_ave$ mutated_genotype == "ALT" ,]
haplo2_ave$ ids <- rownames (haplo2_ave)
haplo2_ave <- haplo2_ave %>% separate (ids,into = c ("individual" ,"mutated_variant" ,"mutated_genotype" ))
haplo2_ave$ haplotype <- "2"
haplo2_ref <- haplo2_ave[haplo2_ave$ mutated_genotype == "REF" ,]
haplo2_alt <- haplo2_ave[haplo2_ave$ mutated_genotype == "ALT" ,]
ref_stack <- rbind (haplo1_ref,haplo2_ref)
alt_stack <- rbind (haplo1_alt,haplo2_alt)
full_df <- data.frame (individual= ref_stack$ individual,haplotype= ref_stack$ haplotype,mutated_variant= ref_stack$ mutated_variant, ref_expression= ref_stack$ expression, alt_expression= alt_stack$ expression)
erap2_expression <- c ()
for (ind in colnames (genotype_data)) {
expression = 0
cur_geno = str_split (genotype_data["96916885" ,ind], "|" )
if (cur_geno[[1 ]][2 ] == "0" ) {
id_tag = paste (ind,"96916885" ,"REF" , sep= "_" )
expression = expression + haplo1_ave[id_tag,]$ expression
} else {
id_tag = paste (ind,"96916885" ,"ALT" , sep= "_" )
expression = expression + haplo1_ave[id_tag,]$ expression
if (cur_geno[[1 ]][4 ] == "0" ) {
id_tag = paste (ind,"96916885" ,"REF" , sep= "_" )
expression = expression + haplo2_ave[id_tag,]$ expression
} else {
id_tag = paste (ind,"96916885" ,"ALT" , sep= "_" )
expression = expression + haplo2_ave[id_tag,]$ expression
erap2_expression <- c (erap2_expression, expression)
Let's also grab the large effect size variants from the reference mutagenesis:
ref_dif[ref_dif$ dif > 4 ,]
```` {r}
erap2_expression_df <- data.frame(enformer_predicted_whole_expression=erap2_expression,
geuvadis_expression = as.numeric(geuvadis["ENSG00000164308",colnames(genotype_data)]),
rownames(erap2_expression_df) <- colnames(genotype_data)
erap2_expression_df$ancestry <- as.vector(pop_metadata[rownames(erap2_expression_df),]$population)
ggplot(erap2_expression_df) + geom_point(aes(x=geuvadis_expression, y=enformer_predicted_whole_expression, color=ancestry)) + xlab("Geuvadis Expression for ERAP2") + ylab("Enformer predicted ERAP2 expression") + ggtitle("Predicted vs. Observed ERAP2 expression across individuals")
ggplot(erap2_expression_df) + geom_point(aes(x=geuvadis_expression, y=enformer_predicted_whole_expression, color=splice_96900192_geno, shape=ancestry))
ggplot(erap2_expression_df) + geom_point(aes(x=geuvadis_expression, y=enformer_predicted_whole_expression, color=fm_96916885_geno, shape=ancestry))
ggplot(erap2_expression_df) + geom_point(aes(x=geuvadis_expression, y=enformer_predicted_whole_expression, color=fm_96916728_geno, shape=ancestry))
ggplot(erap2_expression_df) + geom_point(aes(x=geuvadis_expression, y=enformer_predicted_whole_expression, color=large5_96876409_geno, shape=ancestry))
ggplot(erap2_expression_df) + geom_point(aes(x=geuvadis_expression, y=enformer_predicted_whole_expression, color=large10_96896518_geno, shape=ancestry))
Let's generate predicted personalized gene expression by summing up individual variant effects with the reference prediction as a baseline:
allele_count_mat <- as.data.frame(allele_count_df)
dif_mat <- data.frame(difs = ref_dif$dif)
rownames(dif_mat) <- ref_dif$mutated_variant
allele_count_mat <- t(as.matrix(allele_count_mat[rownames(dif_mat),]))
dif_mat <- as.matrix(dif_mat)
linear_predictions <- allele_count_mat %*% dif_mat + reference_hap_expression*2
erap2_expression_df$linear_pred <- as.vector(linear_predictions)
ggplot(erap2_expression_df) + geom_point(aes(x=linear_predictions, y= enformer_predicted_whole_expression, color=ancestry)) + ylab("Enformer predicted ERAP2 expression") + xlab("Sum of variant effects") + ggtitle("Enformer predicted ERAP2 expression vs. sum of individual Enformer variant \n effects for ERAP2")
The above plot plots the individualized expression predictions
Clearly, ERAP2 is well predicted as a linear sum of individual variant effects. This supports the conclusion that the large effect variant is at play here.
## personalized mutagenesis
After loading in the personalized expression estimates
We can also annotate each value with data for the individual, haplotype, mutated variant, and genotype of mutated variant.
haplo1 <- read_csv(file.path(data_dir,"erap2_personalized_LCL_quantification_haplo1.csv"))
haplo1 <- haplo1[,3:ncol(haplo1)]
haplo1_rc <- read_csv(file.path(data_dir,"erap2_personalized_LCL_quantification_haplo1_rc.csv"))
haplo1_rc<- haplo1_rc[,3:ncol(haplo1_rc)]
haplo1_ave = data.frame(t((haplo1_rc + haplo1)/2))
colnames(haplo1_ave) <- c("expression")
haplo2 <- read_csv(file.path(data_dir,"erap2_personalized_LCL_quantification_haplo2.csv"))
haplo2 <- haplo2[,3:ncol(haplo2)]
haplo2_rc <- read_csv(file.path(data_dir,"erap2_personalized_LCL_quantification_haplo2_rc.csv"))
haplo2_rc <- haplo2_rc[,3:ncol(haplo2_rc)]
haplo2_ave = data.frame(t((haplo2_rc + haplo2)/2))
colnames(haplo2_ave) <- c("expression")
haplo1_ave$ids <- rownames(haplo1_ave)
haplo1_ave <- haplo1_ave %>% separate(ids,into = c("individual","mutated_variant","mutated_genotype"))
haplo1_ave$haplotype <- "1"
haplo1_ref <- haplo1_ave[haplo1_ave$mutated_genotype == "REF",]
haplo1_alt <- haplo1_ave[haplo1_ave$mutated_genotype == "ALT",]
haplo2_ave$ids <- rownames(haplo2_ave)
haplo2_ave <- haplo2_ave %>% separate(ids,into = c("individual","mutated_variant","mutated_genotype"))
haplo2_ave$haplotype <- "2"
haplo2_ref <- haplo2_ave[haplo2_ave$mutated_genotype == "REF",]
haplo2_alt <- haplo2_ave[haplo2_ave$mutated_genotype == "ALT",]
ref_stack <- rbind(haplo1_ref,haplo2_ref)
alt_stack <- rbind(haplo1_alt,haplo2_alt)
full_df <- data.frame(individual=ref_stack$individual,haplotype=ref_stack$haplotype,mutated_variant=ref_stack$mutated_variant, ref_expression=ref_stack$expression, alt_expression=alt_stack$expression)
We now have collected all our estimates into a concise data frame. Next we can calculate some effect-size related estimates by comparing the alt,ref
full_df$dif <- full_df$alt_expression-full_df$ref_expression
full_df$fc <- full_df$alt_expression/full_df$ref_expression
full_df$logfc <- log2(full_df$fc)
full_df$log_ref <- log(full_df$ref_expression)
full_df$log_alt <- log(full_df$alt_expression)
We can also annotate our results by individual ancestry
full_df$ancestry <- as.vector(pop_metadata[full_df$individual,]$population)
# TODO Plot against allele frequency
# TODO Color by ancestry
ggplot(full_df) + geom_violin(aes(x=mutated_variant, y=dif, fill=mutated_variant)) + geom_jitter(aes(x=mutated_variant, y=dif))+geom_hline(yintercept = ref_dif[ref_dif$mutated_variant=="96916885","dif"], color="blue") + geom_hline(yintercept = ref_dif[ref_dif$mutated_variant=="96916728","dif"], color="green") + geom_hline(yintercept = ref_dif[ref_dif$mutated_variant=="96900192","dif"], color="red") +scale_color_manual(name=' Personalized vs. ref mutagenesis',
breaks=c(' 96916885 ', ' 96916728 ', ' 96900192 '),
values=c(' 96916885 '=' red', ' 96916728 '=' blue', ' 96900192 '=' green')) + theme(legend.title=element_text(size=20),
ggplot(full_df) + geom_violin(aes(x=mutated_variant, y=dif, fill=haplotype))
ggplot(full_df) + geom_violin(aes(x=mutated_variant, y=dif, fill=ancestry))
The distributions are certainly interesting.
It would be good to try and identify if the 96916728 "positive" group is an interaction with a specific variant present more frequently in that subgroup.
full_df_fm_96916728_pos <- full_df[(full_df$dif > 0) & (full_df$mutated_variant == 96916728),]
fm_96916728_pos_individuals <- unique(full_df_fm_96916728_pos$individual)
allele_count_sub <- as.data.frame(t(allele_count_df[rownames(dif_mat),]))
allele_count_sub$fm_96916728_pos <- rownames(allele_count_sub) %in% fm_96916728_pos_individuals
fm_96916728_pos_cor <- as.data.frame(cor(allele_count_sub[,colnames(allele_count_sub != "fm_96916728_pos")],allele_count_sub$fm_96916728_pos))
fm_96916728_pos_cor$sites <- as.numeric(rownames(fm_96916728_pos_cor))
colnames(fm_96916728_pos_cor) <- c("cor", "sites")
fm_96916728_pos_cor$allele_freq <- as.numeric(variant_metadata_df[rownames(fm_96916728_pos_cor),1])
ggplot(fm_96916728_pos_cor) + geom_point(aes(x=sites,y=cor, col=allele_freq))