title: "testing_pop_seq"
author: "Saideep Gona"
date: "2023-07-14"
code-fold: true
code-summary: "Show the code"
freeze: true
warning: false
eval: false
#| label: Set up box storage directory
suppressMessages (library (tidyverse))
suppressMessages (library (glue))
PRE = "/Users/saideepgona/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/imlab-data/data-Github/Daily-Blog-Sai"
SLUG= "testing_pop_seq" ## copy the slug from the header
bDATE= '2023-07-14' ## copy the date from the blog's header here
DATA = glue ("{PRE}/{bDATE}-{SLUG}" )
if (! file.exists (DATA)) system (glue:: glue ("mkdir {DATA}" ))
# Context
I have verified that the pop-seq training datasets are intact (they got out of order, but the training process is intact). Now I can test if the pop-seq training does have an impact on personalized prediction.
## Create input datasets for testing
Testing the personalized prediction doesn't require too many training examples, so I will start with testing 40 individuals for 100 genes. I'll begin by assembling the input files for this inference pass.
### Individuals
I will use 20 EUR and 20 AFR individuals to maintain some haplotypic diversity
library (tidyverse)
dset_dir <- file.path ("/Users/saideepgona/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/imlab-data/data-Github/analysis-Sai/enformer_geuvadis/enformer_portability_analysis" )
geuvadis_full <- read_delim (file.path (dset_dir,"GD462.GeneQuantRPKM.50FN.samplename.resk10.txt" ))
# meta_table <- read_table(meta_path)
meta_path_rwp = "/Users/saideepgona/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/imlab-data/data-Github/analysis-Sai/metadata/relationships_w_pops.txt"
meta_table <- read_table (meta_path_rwp)
meta_table <- meta_table %>% filter (IID %in% colnames (geuvadis_full))
CEU <- meta_table %>% filter (population != "YRI" )
CEU_20 <- CEU$ IID[1 : 20 ]
YRI <- meta_table %>% filter (population == "YRI" )
YRI_20 <- YRI$ IID[1 : 20 ]
all_inds <- c (CEU_20,YRI_20)
write.table (all_inds, "40_inds.txt" , row.names = FALSE , quote= FALSE , col.names = FALSE )
### Genes
gene_meta_path <- "/Users/saideepgona/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/imlab-data/data-Github/analysis-Sai/metadata/gene_metadata_full.csv"
gene_meta_path <- "/Users/saideepgona/Documents/PhD/imlab/Github_Repos/Daily-Blog-Sai/posts/2023-06-03-calculating_genetic_distance_from_ref/gene_metadata_w_allele_counts.csv"
gene_metadata <- read_delim (gene_meta_path )
pos_corr <- gene_metadata %>% filter (all_geuvadis_ge_corrs > 0 ) %>% arrange (desc (all_geuvadis_ge_corrs))
pos_corr_50 <- pos_corr[1 : 50 ,]$ gene_name
pos_corr_50_intervals <- paste0 (pos_corr$ chrom,"_" ,pos_corr$ start,"_" ,pos_corr$ end)
neg_corr <- gene_metadata %>% filter (all_geuvadis_ge_corrs < 0 ) %>% arrange (all_geuvadis_ge_corrs)
neg_corr_50 <- neg_corr[1 : 50 ,]$ gene_name
neg_corr_50_intervals <- paste0 (neg_corr$ chrom,"_" ,neg_corr$ start,"_" ,neg_corr$ end)
all_genes <- c (pos_corr_50,neg_corr_50)
write.table (all_genes, "100_corr_genes.txt" , row.names = FALSE , quote= FALSE , col.names = FALSE )
all_genes_intervals <- c (pos_corr_50_intervals,neg_corr_50_intervals)
write.table (all_genes_intervals, "100_corr_intervals.txt" , row.names = FALSE , quote= FALSE , col.names = FALSE )
canonical_tss_path <- "/Users/saideepgona/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/imlab-data/data-Github/analysis-Sai/metadata/canonical_TSS_full_metadata.txt"
canonical_tss_metadata <- read_delim (canonical_tss_path)
canonical_tss_metadata <- canonical_tss_metadata %>% distinct (external_gene_name, .keep_all= TRUE ) %>% drop_na ()
rownames (canonical_tss_metadata) <- canonical_tss_metadata$ external_gene_name
all_canonical_tss <- canonical_tss_metadata[all_genes,]$ target_regions
write.table (all_canonical_tss, "100_corr_canonical_tss_intervals.txt" , row.names = FALSE , quote= FALSE , col.names = FALSE )
## Checking correctness of pipeline
Using the ERAP2 window on a single individual,
### Calculate correlations with ground truth from standard trained model
The standard trained model was trained to 80 epochs using reference genome sequence and 240 gpus (batch size 480)
library (tidyr)
library (ggplot2)
library (ggrepel)
library (ggpmisc)
library (readr)
library (stringr)
library (ggExtra)
library (preprocessCore)
library (reshape2)
library (patchwork)
dset_dir <- file.path ("/Users/saideepgona/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/imlab-data/data-Github/analysis-Sai/enformer_geuvadis/enformer_portability_analysis" )
geuvadis_full <- read_delim (file.path (dset_dir,"GD462.GeneQuantRPKM.50FN.samplename.resk10.txt" ))
geuvadis_genes_symbols <- sapply (str_split (geuvadis_full$ Gene_Symbol, " \\ ." ),` [ ` ,1 )
geuvadis <- as.data.frame (geuvadis_full[,5 : ncol (geuvadis_full)])
rownames (geuvadis) <- geuvadis_genes_symbols
# Load predixcan expression
predixcan_full <- read_delim (file.path (dset_dir,"predixcan_expression.txt" ))
predixcan <- as.data.frame (predixcan_full[,3 : ncol (predixcan_full)])
rownames (predixcan) <- predixcan_full$ gene_names_proper
# Load enformer
enformer_haplo1 <- as.data.frame (read_csv (file.path ("CAGE_summed_haplotype_CAGE:LCL_quantification.csv" )))
rownames (enformer_haplo1) <- enformer_haplo1$ ` Unnamed: 0 `
enformer_haplo1$ ` Unnamed: 0 ` <- NULL
enformer_haplo1$ ...1 <- NULL
enf_genes_symbols <- sapply (str_split (rownames (enformer_haplo1), " \\ ." ),` [ ` ,1 )
enformer <- enformer_haplo1
enformer_norm <- as.data.frame (t (scale (t (enformer))))
enformer <- enformer_norm
rownames (enformer) <- enf_genes_symbols
metadata_dir = "/Users/saideepgona/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/imlab-data/data-Github/analysis-Sai/metadata"
individual_metadata <- read.delim (file.path (metadata_dir,"igsr_samples.tsv" ))
rownames (individual_metadata) <- individual_metadata$ Sample.name
gene_metadata <- read.csv2 (file.path (metadata_dir,"gene_metadata_full.csv" ),row.names = 1 )
gp_ind <- intersect (colnames (geuvadis), colnames (predixcan))
ge_ind <- intersect (colnames (geuvadis), colnames (enformer))
all_three_ind <- intersect (gp_ind,ge_ind)
gp_genes <- intersect (rownames (geuvadis), rownames (predixcan))
ge_genes <- intersect (rownames (geuvadis), rownames (enformer))
ep_genes <- intersect (rownames (enformer), rownames (predixcan))
all_three_genes <- intersect (gp_genes, ge_genes)
geuvadis_compare <- geuvadis[all_three_genes, all_three_ind]
predixcan_compare <- predixcan[all_three_genes,all_three_ind]
enformer_compare <- enformer[all_three_genes, all_three_ind]
gene_meta_compare <- gene_metadata[all_three_genes,]
individual_metadata_compare <- individual_metadata[rownames (individual_metadata) %in% all_three_ind,]
corr_gene_across_inds <- function (df_1,df_2) {
df_1 <- scale (df_1)
df_2 <- scale (df_2)
corrs <- sapply (seq.int (dim (df_1)[1 ]), function (i) cor (as.numeric (df_1[i,]), as.numeric (df_2[i,])))
names (corrs) <- rownames (df_1)
return (corrs)
gp_corrs <- corr_gene_across_inds (geuvadis_compare, predixcan_compare)
gp_corrs_all <- gp_corrs
ge_corrs <- corr_gene_across_inds (geuvadis_compare, enformer_compare)
ge_corrs_all <- ge_corrs
cor (as.numeric (geuvadis_compare["ENSG00000164308" ,]), as.numeric (enformer_compare["ENSG00000164308" ,]))
plot (as.numeric (geuvadis_compare["ENSG00000164308" ,]), as.numeric (enformer_compare["ENSG00000164308" ,]))
# boxplot(predixcan_compare$HG00096, predixcan_compare$HG00097)
# boxplot(as.numeric(predixcan_compare[1,]), as.numeric(predixcan_compare[2,]))
corrs_df <- data.frame (gp= gp_corrs, ge= ge_corrs, ge_abs = abs (ge_corrs), gp_abs = abs (gp_corrs), genes= all_three_genes, gene_names= rownames (gene_meta_compare), gene_h2= gene_meta_compare$ h2_WholeBlood_TS, high_h2 = gene_meta_compare$ h2_WholeBlood_TS > 0.1 , strand = gene_meta_compare$ strand, ref_gene_ancestry= gene_meta_compare$ best_ancestry, pred_vars = as.numeric (apply (predixcan_compare, 1 , var)), enf_vars = as.numeric (apply (enformer_compare, 1 , var)))
# corrs_df$var_ratio <- (corrs_df$enf_vars + 0.001)/(corrs_df$pred_vars + 0.001)
# summary(lm(pred_vars ~ ge_corrs, corrs_df))
ggplot (corrs_df,aes (x= gp,y= ge)) + geom_point (aes (x= gp,y= ge), alpha= 0.5 ) + xlim (- 0.7 ,0.7 ) + ylim (- 0.7 ,0.7 ) +
# geom_hline(xintercept=0) + geom_vline(yintercept=0)
xlab ("geuvadis vs. predixcan correlation across individuals" ) + ylab ("geuvadis vs. enformer correlation across individuals" ) +
geom_hline (aes (yintercept = 0 )) +
geom_vline (aes (xintercept = 0 )) +
geom_abline (slope= 1 , intercept = 0 ) +
geom_smooth (method = "lm" , formula = y~ x, se = F, color= "red" )
boxplot (corrs_df$ ge)
corrs_df_standard <- corrs_df
enformer_compare_standard <- enformer_compare
### Calculate correlations with ground truth from popseq trained model
dset_dir <- file.path ("/Users/saideepgona/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/imlab-data/data-Github/analysis-Sai/enformer_geuvadis/enformer_portability_analysis" )
geuvadis_full <- read_delim (file.path (dset_dir,"GD462.GeneQuantRPKM.50FN.samplename.resk10.txt" ))
geuvadis_genes_symbols <- sapply (str_split (geuvadis_full$ Gene_Symbol, " \\ ." ),` [ ` ,1 )
geuvadis <- as.data.frame (geuvadis_full[,5 : ncol (geuvadis_full)])
rownames (geuvadis) <- geuvadis_genes_symbols
# Load predixcan expression
predixcan_full <- read_delim (file.path (dset_dir,"predixcan_expression.txt" ))
predixcan <- as.data.frame (predixcan_full[,3 : ncol (predixcan_full)])
rownames (predixcan) <- predixcan_full$ gene_names_proper
# Load enformer
enformer_haplo1 <- as.data.frame (read_csv (file.path ("CAGE_summed_haplotype_CAGE:LCL_quantification_popseq.csv" )))
rownames (enformer_haplo1) <- enformer_haplo1$ ` Unnamed: 0 `
enformer_haplo1$ ` Unnamed: 0 ` <- NULL
enformer_haplo1$ ...1 <- NULL
enf_genes_symbols <- sapply (str_split (rownames (enformer_haplo1), " \\ ." ),` [ ` ,1 )
enformer <- enformer_haplo1
enformer_norm <- as.data.frame (t (scale (t (enformer))))
enformer <- enformer_norm
rownames (enformer) <- enf_genes_symbols
metadata_dir = "/Users/saideepgona/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/imlab-data/data-Github/analysis-Sai/metadata"
individual_metadata <- read.delim (file.path (metadata_dir,"igsr_samples.tsv" ))
rownames (individual_metadata) <- individual_metadata$ Sample.name
gene_metadata <- read.csv2 (file.path (metadata_dir,"gene_metadata_full.csv" ),row.names = 1 )
gp_ind <- intersect (colnames (geuvadis), colnames (predixcan))
ge_ind <- intersect (colnames (geuvadis), colnames (enformer))
all_three_ind <- intersect (gp_ind,ge_ind)
gp_genes <- intersect (rownames (geuvadis), rownames (predixcan))
ge_genes <- intersect (rownames (geuvadis), rownames (enformer))
ep_genes <- intersect (rownames (enformer), rownames (predixcan))
all_three_genes <- intersect (gp_genes, ge_genes)
geuvadis_compare <- geuvadis[all_three_genes, all_three_ind]
predixcan_compare <- predixcan[all_three_genes,all_three_ind]
enformer_compare <- enformer[all_three_genes, all_three_ind]
gene_meta_compare <- gene_metadata[all_three_genes,]
individual_metadata_compare <- individual_metadata[rownames (individual_metadata) %in% all_three_ind,]
corr_gene_across_inds <- function (df_1,df_2) {
df_1 <- scale (df_1)
df_2 <- scale (df_2)
corrs <- sapply (seq.int (dim (df_1)[1 ]), function (i) cor (as.numeric (df_1[i,]), as.numeric (df_2[i,])))
names (corrs) <- rownames (df_1)
return (corrs)
gp_corrs <- corr_gene_across_inds (geuvadis_compare, predixcan_compare)
gp_corrs_all <- gp_corrs
ge_corrs <- corr_gene_across_inds (geuvadis_compare, enformer_compare)
ge_corrs_all <- ge_corrs
cor (as.numeric (geuvadis_compare["ENSG00000164308" ,]), as.numeric (enformer_compare["ENSG00000164308" ,]))
plot (as.numeric (geuvadis_compare["ENSG00000164308" ,]), as.numeric (enformer_compare["ENSG00000164308" ,]))
# boxplot(predixcan_compare$HG00096, predixcan_compare$HG00097)
# boxplot(as.numeric(predixcan_compare[1,]), as.numeric(predixcan_compare[2,]))
corrs_df <- data.frame (gp= gp_corrs, ge= ge_corrs, ge_abs = abs (ge_corrs), gp_abs = abs (gp_corrs), genes= all_three_genes, gene_names= rownames (gene_meta_compare), gene_h2= gene_meta_compare$ h2_WholeBlood_TS, high_h2 = gene_meta_compare$ h2_WholeBlood_TS > 0.1 , strand = gene_meta_compare$ strand, ref_gene_ancestry= gene_meta_compare$ best_ancestry, pred_vars = as.numeric (apply (predixcan_compare, 1 , var)), enf_vars = as.numeric (apply (enformer_compare, 1 , var)))
# corrs_df$var_ratio <- (corrs_df$enf_vars + 0.001)/(corrs_df$pred_vars + 0.001)
# summary(lm(pred_vars ~ ge_corrs, corrs_df))
ggplot (corrs_df,aes (x= gp,y= ge)) + geom_point (aes (x= gp,y= ge), alpha= 0.5 ) + xlim (- 0.7 ,0.7 ) + ylim (- 0.7 ,0.7 ) +
# geom_hline(xintercept=0) + geom_vline(yintercept=0)
xlab ("geuvadis vs. predixcan correlation across individuals" ) + ylab ("geuvadis vs. enformer correlation across individuals" ) +
geom_hline (aes (yintercept = 0 )) +
geom_vline (aes (xintercept = 0 )) +
geom_abline (slope= 1 , intercept = 0 ) +
geom_smooth (method = "lm" , formula = y~ x, se = F, color= "red" )
boxplot (corrs_df$ ge)
corrs_df_popseq <- corrs_df
enformer_compare_popseq <- enformer_compare
### Compare the two training predictions
plot (corrs_df_standard$ ge,corrs_df_popseq$ ge) + abline (0 ,1 )
qqplot (as.numeric (corrs_df_standard$ ge),as.numeric (corrs_df_popseq$ ge))
abline (0 ,1 )
plot (as.numeric (geuvadis_compare["ENSG00000129055" ,]), as.numeric (enformer_compare_standard["ENSG00000129055" ,]))
plot (as.numeric (geuvadis_compare["ENSG00000100321" ,]), as.numeric (enformer_compare_standard["ENSG00000100321" ,]))
plot (as.numeric (geuvadis_compare["ENSG00000164978" ,]), as.numeric (enformer_compare_standard["ENSG00000164978" ,]))
boxplot (corrs_df_standard$ ge, corrs_df_popseq$ ge)
## Test 8 nodes and 20 epochs
dset_dir <- file.path ("/Users/saideepgona/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/imlab-data/data-Github/analysis-Sai/enformer_geuvadis/enformer_portability_analysis" )
geuvadis_full <- read_delim (file.path (dset_dir,"GD462.GeneQuantRPKM.50FN.samplename.resk10.txt" ))
geuvadis_genes_symbols <- sapply (str_split (geuvadis_full$ Gene_Symbol, " \\ ." ),` [ ` ,1 )
geuvadis <- as.data.frame (geuvadis_full[,5 : ncol (geuvadis_full)])
rownames (geuvadis) <- geuvadis_genes_symbols
# Load predixcan expression
predixcan_full <- read_delim (file.path (dset_dir,"predixcan_expression.txt" ))
predixcan <- as.data.frame (predixcan_full[,3 : ncol (predixcan_full)])
rownames (predixcan) <- predixcan_full$ gene_names_proper
# Load enformer
enformer_haplo1 <- as.data.frame (read_csv (file.path ("CAGE_summed_haplotype_CAGE:LCL_quantification_standard_8.csv" )))
rownames (enformer_haplo1) <- enformer_haplo1$ ` Unnamed: 0 `
enformer_haplo1$ ` Unnamed: 0 ` <- NULL
enformer_haplo1$ ...1 <- NULL
enf_genes_symbols <- sapply (str_split (rownames (enformer_haplo1), " \\ ." ),` [ ` ,1 )
enformer <- enformer_haplo1
enformer_norm <- as.data.frame (t (scale (t (enformer))))
enformer <- enformer_norm
rownames (enformer) <- enf_genes_symbols
metadata_dir = "/Users/saideepgona/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/imlab-data/data-Github/analysis-Sai/metadata"
individual_metadata <- read.delim (file.path (metadata_dir,"igsr_samples.tsv" ))
rownames (individual_metadata) <- individual_metadata$ Sample.name
gene_metadata <- read.csv2 (file.path (metadata_dir,"gene_metadata_full.csv" ),row.names = 1 )
gp_ind <- intersect (colnames (geuvadis), colnames (predixcan))
ge_ind <- intersect (colnames (geuvadis), colnames (enformer))
all_three_ind <- intersect (gp_ind,ge_ind)
gp_genes <- intersect (rownames (geuvadis), rownames (predixcan))
ge_genes <- intersect (rownames (geuvadis), rownames (enformer))
ep_genes <- intersect (rownames (enformer), rownames (predixcan))
all_three_genes <- intersect (gp_genes, ge_genes)
geuvadis_compare <- geuvadis[all_three_genes, all_three_ind]
predixcan_compare <- predixcan[all_three_genes,all_three_ind]
enformer_compare <- enformer[all_three_genes, all_three_ind]
gene_meta_compare <- gene_metadata[all_three_genes,]
individual_metadata_compare <- individual_metadata[rownames (individual_metadata) %in% all_three_ind,]
corr_gene_across_inds <- function (df_1,df_2) {
df_1 <- scale (df_1)
df_2 <- scale (df_2)
corrs <- sapply (seq.int (dim (df_1)[1 ]), function (i) cor (as.numeric (df_1[i,]), as.numeric (df_2[i,])))
names (corrs) <- rownames (df_1)
return (corrs)
gp_corrs <- corr_gene_across_inds (geuvadis_compare, predixcan_compare)
gp_corrs_all <- gp_corrs
ge_corrs <- corr_gene_across_inds (geuvadis_compare, enformer_compare)
ge_corrs_all <- ge_corrs
cor (as.numeric (geuvadis_compare["ENSG00000164308" ,]), as.numeric (enformer_compare["ENSG00000164308" ,]))
plot (as.numeric (geuvadis_compare["ENSG00000164308" ,]), as.numeric (enformer_compare["ENSG00000164308" ,]))
# boxplot(predixcan_compare$HG00096, predixcan_compare$HG00097)
# boxplot(as.numeric(predixcan_compare[1,]), as.numeric(predixcan_compare[2,]))
corrs_df <- data.frame (gp= gp_corrs, ge= ge_corrs, ge_abs = abs (ge_corrs), gp_abs = abs (gp_corrs), genes= all_three_genes, gene_names= rownames (gene_meta_compare), gene_h2= gene_meta_compare$ h2_WholeBlood_TS, high_h2 = gene_meta_compare$ h2_WholeBlood_TS > 0.1 , strand = gene_meta_compare$ strand, ref_gene_ancestry= gene_meta_compare$ best_ancestry, pred_vars = as.numeric (apply (predixcan_compare, 1 , var)), enf_vars = as.numeric (apply (enformer_compare, 1 , var)))
# corrs_df$var_ratio <- (corrs_df$enf_vars + 0.001)/(corrs_df$pred_vars + 0.001)
# summary(lm(pred_vars ~ ge_corrs, corrs_df))
ggplot (corrs_df,aes (x= gp,y= ge)) + geom_point (aes (x= gp,y= ge), alpha= 0.5 ) + xlim (- 0.7 ,0.7 ) + ylim (- 0.7 ,0.7 ) +
# geom_hline(xintercept=0) + geom_vline(yintercept=0)
xlab ("geuvadis vs. predixcan correlation across individuals" ) + ylab ("geuvadis vs. enformer correlation across individuals" ) +
geom_hline (aes (yintercept = 0 )) +
geom_vline (aes (xintercept = 0 )) +
geom_abline (slope= 1 , intercept = 0 ) +
geom_smooth (method = "lm" , formula = y~ x, se = F, color= "red" )
boxplot (corrs_df$ ge)
corrs_df_standard <- corrs_df
enformer_compare_standard <- enformer_compare
### Calculate correlations with ground truth from popseq trained model
dset_dir <- file.path ("/Users/saideepgona/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/imlab-data/data-Github/analysis-Sai/enformer_geuvadis/enformer_portability_analysis" )
geuvadis_full <- read_delim (file.path (dset_dir,"GD462.GeneQuantRPKM.50FN.samplename.resk10.txt" ))
geuvadis_genes_symbols <- sapply (str_split (geuvadis_full$ Gene_Symbol, " \\ ." ),` [ ` ,1 )
geuvadis <- as.data.frame (geuvadis_full[,5 : ncol (geuvadis_full)])
rownames (geuvadis) <- geuvadis_genes_symbols
# Load predixcan expression
predixcan_full <- read_delim (file.path (dset_dir,"predixcan_expression.txt" ))
predixcan <- as.data.frame (predixcan_full[,3 : ncol (predixcan_full)])
rownames (predixcan) <- predixcan_full$ gene_names_proper
# Load enformer
enformer_haplo1 <- as.data.frame (read_csv (file.path ("CAGE_summed_haplotype_CAGE:LCL_quantification_popseq_8.csv" )))
rownames (enformer_haplo1) <- enformer_haplo1$ ` Unnamed: 0 `
enformer_haplo1$ ` Unnamed: 0 ` <- NULL
enformer_haplo1$ ...1 <- NULL
enf_genes_symbols <- sapply (str_split (rownames (enformer_haplo1), " \\ ." ),` [ ` ,1 )
enformer <- enformer_haplo1
enformer_norm <- as.data.frame (t (scale (t (enformer))))
enformer <- enformer_norm
rownames (enformer) <- enf_genes_symbols
metadata_dir = "/Users/saideepgona/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/imlab-data/data-Github/analysis-Sai/metadata"
individual_metadata <- read.delim (file.path (metadata_dir,"igsr_samples.tsv" ))
rownames (individual_metadata) <- individual_metadata$ Sample.name
gene_metadata <- read.csv2 (file.path (metadata_dir,"gene_metadata_full.csv" ),row.names = 1 )
gp_ind <- intersect (colnames (geuvadis), colnames (predixcan))
ge_ind <- intersect (colnames (geuvadis), colnames (enformer))
all_three_ind <- intersect (gp_ind,ge_ind)
gp_genes <- intersect (rownames (geuvadis), rownames (predixcan))
ge_genes <- intersect (rownames (geuvadis), rownames (enformer))
ep_genes <- intersect (rownames (enformer), rownames (predixcan))
all_three_genes <- intersect (gp_genes, ge_genes)
geuvadis_compare <- geuvadis[all_three_genes, all_three_ind]
predixcan_compare <- predixcan[all_three_genes,all_three_ind]
enformer_compare <- enformer[all_three_genes, all_three_ind]
gene_meta_compare <- gene_metadata[all_three_genes,]
individual_metadata_compare <- individual_metadata[rownames (individual_metadata) %in% all_three_ind,]
corr_gene_across_inds <- function (df_1,df_2) {
df_1 <- scale (df_1)
df_2 <- scale (df_2)
corrs <- sapply (seq.int (dim (df_1)[1 ]), function (i) cor (as.numeric (df_1[i,]), as.numeric (df_2[i,])))
names (corrs) <- rownames (df_1)
return (corrs)
gp_corrs <- corr_gene_across_inds (geuvadis_compare, predixcan_compare)
gp_corrs_all <- gp_corrs
ge_corrs <- corr_gene_across_inds (geuvadis_compare, enformer_compare)
ge_corrs_all <- ge_corrs
cor (as.numeric (geuvadis_compare["ENSG00000164308" ,]), as.numeric (enformer_compare["ENSG00000164308" ,]))
plot (as.numeric (geuvadis_compare["ENSG00000164308" ,]), as.numeric (enformer_compare["ENSG00000164308" ,]))
# boxplot(predixcan_compare$HG00096, predixcan_compare$HG00097)
# boxplot(as.numeric(predixcan_compare[1,]), as.numeric(predixcan_compare[2,]))
corrs_df <- data.frame (gp= gp_corrs, ge= ge_corrs, ge_abs = abs (ge_corrs), gp_abs = abs (gp_corrs), genes= all_three_genes, gene_names= rownames (gene_meta_compare), gene_h2= gene_meta_compare$ h2_WholeBlood_TS, high_h2 = gene_meta_compare$ h2_WholeBlood_TS > 0.1 , strand = gene_meta_compare$ strand, ref_gene_ancestry= gene_meta_compare$ best_ancestry, pred_vars = as.numeric (apply (predixcan_compare, 1 , var)), enf_vars = as.numeric (apply (enformer_compare, 1 , var)))
# corrs_df$var_ratio <- (corrs_df$enf_vars + 0.001)/(corrs_df$pred_vars + 0.001)
# summary(lm(pred_vars ~ ge_corrs, corrs_df))
ggplot (corrs_df,aes (x= gp,y= ge)) + geom_point (aes (x= gp,y= ge), alpha= 0.5 ) + xlim (- 0.7 ,0.7 ) + ylim (- 0.7 ,0.7 ) +
# geom_hline(xintercept=0) + geom_vline(yintercept=0)
xlab ("geuvadis vs. predixcan correlation across individuals" ) + ylab ("geuvadis vs. enformer correlation across individuals" ) +
geom_hline (aes (yintercept = 0 )) +
geom_vline (aes (xintercept = 0 )) +
geom_abline (slope= 1 , intercept = 0 ) +
geom_smooth (method = "lm" , formula = y~ x, se = F, color= "red" )
boxplot (corrs_df$ ge)
corrs_df_popseq <- corrs_df
enformer_compare_popseq <- enformer_compare
### Compare the two training predictions
plot (corrs_df_standard$ ge,corrs_df_popseq$ ge)
abline (0 ,1 )
qqplot (as.numeric (corrs_df_standard$ ge),as.numeric (corrs_df_popseq$ ge))
abline (0 ,1 )
plot (as.numeric (geuvadis_compare["ENSG00000129055" ,]), as.numeric (enformer_compare_standard["ENSG00000129055" ,]))
plot (as.numeric (geuvadis_compare["ENSG00000100321" ,]), as.numeric (enformer_compare_standard["ENSG00000100321" ,]))
plot (as.numeric (geuvadis_compare["ENSG00000164978" ,]), as.numeric (enformer_compare_standard["ENSG00000164978" ,]))
boxplot (corrs_df_standard$ ge, corrs_df_popseq$ ge)