import h5py
import numpy as np
import os,sys
Saideep Gona
November 12, 2023
I have downloaded precomputed Enformer variant effect sizes from the published repo. They are stored in HDF5 files, but it is unclear how to query from them. Here I will try to figure out how to query from them and make some reusable code to do so.
[b'chr1' b'chr1' b'chr1' b'chr1' b'chr1' b'chr1' b'chr1' b'chr1' b'chr1'
b'chr1' b'chr1' b'chr1' b'chr1' b'chr1' b'chr1' b'chr1' b'chr1' b'chr1'
b'chr1' b'chr1']
[10177 10235 10352 10616 10642 11008 11012 11063 13110 13116 13118 13273
13289 13380 13483 13550 14464 14599 14604 14930]
From some basic investigating, it is clear that the variant effects are organized in ascending order by chromosome and by position. This means it should be fairly easy to create a search scheme indexed by position. The approach will be to determine the cutoff point of each file and store those in the top level search. Given a new variant, this allows the mapping of the variant to the file it would be stored in if it exists. Next, a file-specific mapping of the index of each variant can be used to look for specific sub-variants.
It looks like it won’t take more than a GB in memory to create just a single lookup file which can be loaded into memory directly. It is probably easier to just create this then.
import json
index_mapping = {}
for file_ind in range(1,23):
cur_file = os.path.join(path_to_data,f"1000G.MAF_threshold=0.005.{file_ind}.h5")
with h5py.File(cur_file, 'r') as f:
chroms = f['chr'][:]
chroms = [x.decode('utf-8') for x in chroms]
pos = f['pos'][:]
alts = f['alt'][:]
alts = [x.decode('utf-8') for x in alts]
for i in range(len(chroms)):
if "_".join([chroms[i],str(pos[i])]) in index_mapping:
index_mapping["_".join([chroms[i],str(pos[i])])][alts[i]] = "_".join([str(file_ind),str(i)])
index_mapping["_".join([chroms[i],str(pos[i])])] = {alts[i]:"_".join([str(file_ind),str(i)])}
with open("/project2/haky/Data/enformer_variant_effects/efv_index_mapping.json","w") as f:
With this mapping then, let’s try to query the effect size if it exists
search_tuple = ('chr1', 14599)
print("Query location:", index_mapping[search_tuple])
query_loc = index_mapping[search_tuple]
cur_file = os.path.join(path_to_data,f"1000G.MAF_threshold=0.005.{query_loc[0]}.h5")
with h5py.File(cur_file, 'r') as f:
# effect_size =
ref = f['ref'][query_loc[1]]
alt = f['alt'][query_loc[1]]
snp = f['snp'][query_loc[1]]
print("Loc:", query_loc)
# print("Effect size:", effect_size[query_loc[1]])
print("Ref:", ref)
print("Alt:", alt)
print("Snp:", snp)
Query location: (1, 17)
Loc: (1, 17)
Ref: b'T'
Alt: b'A'
Snp: b'rs531646671'
In summary, you can load in the index mapping pickle file generated above and use it to query from the HDF5 files containing variant effects. This is shown below
# Function to query a variant effect
def query_variant_effect(chrom, pos, index_mapping, path_to_data):
import h5py
import numpy as np
assert chrom.startswith("chr"), "chromosome should start with chr"
assert isinstance(pos, int), "position should be an int"
search_string = "_".join([chrom,str(pos)])
if search_string in index_mapping:
print("Query location:", index_mapping[search_string])
query_loc = index_mapping[search_string]
print("Variant not found: ", search_string)
return None
effect_sizes = {}
for alt in query_loc.keys():
cur_query_loc = [int(x) for x in query_loc[alt].split("_")]
cur_file = os.path.join(path_to_data,f"1000G.MAF_threshold=0.005.{cur_query_loc[0]}.h5")
with h5py.File(cur_file, 'r') as f:
effect_sizes[alt] = f["SAD"][cur_query_loc[1]]
return effect_sizes
Query location: {'T': '1_23', 'G': '1_24'}
[1, 23]
[1, 24]
{'T': array([-7.5698e-05, -8.6308e-05, -1.1545e-04, ..., -1.5974e-05,
-3.7432e-05, 2.9802e-06], dtype=float16), 'G': array([-4.339e-05, -7.796e-05, -4.411e-05, ..., -2.420e-05, -1.401e-04,
-1.327e-04], dtype=float16)}