

Saideep Gona


February 26, 2024


We have been having some difficulties running Predict-DB, so here I am going to debug my latest issues and make a more formal set of pre-checks everyone can use.


get_filtered_snp_annot <- function(snp_annot_file_name) {
  snp_annot <- read.table(snp_annot_file_name, header = T, stringsAsFactors = F) 
  if("refAllele" %in% names(snp_annot)) {snp_annot <- snp_annot %>% rename(ref_vcf = refAllele)}
  if("effectAllele" %in% names(snp_annot)) {snp_annot <- snp_annot %>% rename(alt_vcf = effectAllele)}

  snp_annot <- snp_annot %>%
    filter(!((ref_vcf == 'A' & alt_vcf == 'T') |
               (ref_vcf == 'T' & alt_vcf == 'A') |
               (ref_vcf == 'C' & alt_vcf == 'G') |
               (ref_vcf == 'G' & alt_vcf == 'C')) &
             !(is.na(rsid))) %>%
    distinct(varID, .keep_all = TRUE)

get_maf_filtered_genotype <- function(genotype_file_name,  maf, samples) {
  gt_df <- read.table(genotype_file_name, header = T, stringsAsFactors = F, row.names = 1)
  gt_df <- gt_df[,(colnames(gt_df) %in% samples )] %>% t() %>% as.data.frame()
  effect_allele_freqs <- colMeans(gt_df) / 2
  gt_df <- gt_df[,which((effect_allele_freqs >= maf) & (effect_allele_freqs <= 1 - maf))]

get_gene_annotation <- function(gene_annot_file_name, chrom, gene_types=c('protein_coding', 'pseudogene', 'lincRNA')){
  gene_df <- read.table(gene_annot_file_name, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
    filter((chr == chrom) & gene_type %in% gene_types) %>% 
    mutate(gene_id = file_path_sans_ext(gene_id))  # remove gene ver from gene names

get_gene_type <- function(gene_annot, gene) {
  gene_annot <- gene_annot %>% mutate(gene_id = file_path_sans_ext(gene_id))
  filter(gene_annot, gene_id == gene)$gene_type

get_gene_expression <- function(gene_expression_file_name, gene_annot) {
  expr_df <- as.data.frame(t(read.table(gene_expression_file_name, header = T, stringsAsFactors = F, row.names = 1)))
  expr_df <- expr_df %>% t() %>% as.data.frame()
  colnames(expr_df) <- file_path_sans_ext(colnames(expr_df)) # remove gene version number
  expr_df <- expr_df %>% select(one_of(intersect(gene_annot$gene_id, colnames(expr_df))))

get_gene_coords <- function(gene_annot, gene) {
  row <- gene_annot[which(gene_annot$gene_id == gene),]
  c(row$start, row$end)

get_cis_genotype <- function(gt_df, snp_annot, coords, cis_window) {
  snp_info <- snp_annot %>% filter((pos >= (coords[1] - cis_window) & !is.na(rsid)) & (pos <= (coords[2] + cis_window)))
  if (nrow(snp_info) == 0)
  #Check of the varID exist in the data
  if (TRUE %in% (snp_info$varID %in% names(gt_df))) {
    cis_gt <- gt_df %>% select(one_of(intersect(snp_info$varID, colnames(gt_df))))
  } else {
    return(NA) # the varID doesn't exist in the gt_df dataset
  column_labels <- colnames(cis_gt)
  row_labels <- rownames(cis_gt)
  # Convert cis_gt to a matrix for glmnet
  cis_gt <- matrix(as.matrix(cis_gt), ncol=ncol(cis_gt)) # R is such a bad language.
  colnames(cis_gt) <- column_labels
  rownames(cis_gt) <- row_labels

get_covariates <- function(covariate_file_name, samples) {
  cov_df <- read.table(covariate_file_name, header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = 1)
  cov_df <- cov_df[,(names(cov_df) %in% samples )] %>% t() %>% as.data.frame()

adjust_for_covariates <- function(expression_vec, cov_df) {
  combined_df <- cbind(expression_vec, cov_df)
  expr_resid <- summary(lm(expression_vec ~ ., data=combined_df))$residuals
  expr_resid <- scale(expr_resid, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)

do_elastic_net <- function(cis_gt, expr_adj, n_folds, cv_fold_ids, n_times, alpha) {
    cis_gt <- as.matrix(cis_gt)
    fit <- cv.glmnet(cis_gt, expr_adj, nfolds = n_folds, alpha = alpha, keep = TRUE, type.measure='mse', foldid = cv_fold_ids[,1], parallel = FALSE)
    lambda_seq <- fit$lambda
    cvms <- matrix(nrow=length(lambda_seq), ncol=n_times)
    fits <- list()
    fits[[1]] <- fit
    cvms <- matrix(nrow = 100, ncol = n_times)
    cvms[1:length(fit$cvm),1] <- fit$cvm
    for (i in 2:(n_times)) {
      fit <- cv.glmnet(cis_gt, expr_adj, lambda = lambda_seq, nfolds = n_folds, alpha = alpha, keep = FALSE, foldid = cv_fold_ids[,i], parallel = FALSE)
      fits[[i]] <- fit
      cvms[1:length(fit$cvm),i] <- fit$cvm
    avg_cvm <- rowMeans(cvms)
    best_lam_ind <- which.min(avg_cvm)
    best_lambda <- lambda_seq[best_lam_ind]
    out <- list(cv_fit = fits[[1]], min_avg_cvm = min(avg_cvm, na.rm = T), best_lam_ind = best_lam_ind, best_lambda = best_lambda)
  #  out
  #},error = function(cond) {
  #  message('Error')
  #  message(geterrmessage())
  #  out <- list()
  #  out

evaluate_performance <- function(cis_gt, expr_adj, fit, best_lam_ind, best_lambda, cv_fold_ids, n_folds) {
  n_nonzero <- fit$nzero[best_lam_ind]
  print(glue("Num-nonzero: {n_nonzero}"))
  if (n_nonzero > 0) {
    R2 <- rep(0, n_folds)
    corr_folds <- rep(0, n_folds)
    pval_folds <- rep(0, n_folds)
    zscore_folds <- rep(0, n_folds)

    for (j in (1:n_folds)) {
      fold_idxs <- which(cv_fold_ids[,1] == j)
      fitted_y <- fit$fit.preval[, best_lam_ind]

      tss <- sum(expr_adj[fold_idxs]**2)
      rss <- sum((expr_adj[fold_idxs] - fitted_y[fold_idxs])**2)
      R2[j] <- 1 - (rss/tss)

      corr_folds[j] <- ifelse(sd(fitted_y[fold_idxs]) != 0,
                       cor(expr_adj[fold_idxs], fitted_y[fold_idxs]), 0)
      pval_folds[j] <- ifelse(sd(fitted_y[fold_idxs]) != 0 & length(expr_adj[fold_idxs]) > 3,
                        cor.test(expr_adj[fold_idxs],fitted_y[fold_idxs])$p.value, 1)

      zscore_folds[j] <- atanh(corr_folds[j]) * sqrt(length(expr_adj[fold_idxs]) - 3) # Fisher transformation

    best_fit <- fit$glmnet.fit
    expr_adj_pred <- predict(best_fit, as.matrix(cis_gt), s = best_lambda)
    tss <- sum(expr_adj**2)
    rss <- sum((expr_adj - expr_adj_pred)**2)
    n_samp <- length(expr_adj)
    #f_stat <- ((tss - rss) / n_nonzero) / (rss / (n_samp - ncol(cis_gt) - 1))
    #p_val <- pf(f_stat, n_samp - 1, n_samp - ncol(cis_gt) - 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
    weights <- best_fit$beta[which(best_fit$beta[,best_lam_ind] != 0), best_lam_ind]
    weighted_snps <- names(best_fit$beta[,best_lam_ind])[which(best_fit$beta[,best_lam_ind] != 0)]
    R2_mean <- mean(R2)
    R2_sd <- sd(R2)
    inR2 <- 1 - (rss/tss)
    rho_avg <- mean(corr_folds)
    rho_se <- sd(corr_folds)
    rho_avg_squared <- rho_avg**2

    # Stouffer's method for combining z scores.
    zscore_est <- sum(zscore_folds) / sqrt(n_folds)
    zscore_pval <- 2*pnorm(abs(zscore_est), lower.tail = FALSE)
    # Fisher's method for combining p-values: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%27s_method
    pval_est <- pchisq(-2 * sum(log(pval_folds)), 2*n_folds, lower.tail = F)
    # Old way
    pred_perf <- summary(lm(expr_adj ~ fit$fit.preval[,best_lam_ind]))
    pred_perf_rsq <- pred_perf$r.squared
    #one_sided_pval <- cor.test(expr_adj, fit$fit.preval[,best_lam_ind], alternative = 'greater')$p.value
    out <- list(weights = weights, n_weights = n_nonzero, weighted_snps = weighted_snps, R2_mean = R2_mean, R2_sd = R2_sd,
                inR2 = inR2, pval_est=pval_est, rho_avg=rho_avg, rho_se=rho_se, 
                rho_zscore=zscore_est, rho_avg_squared=rho_avg_squared, zscore_pval=zscore_pval)
  } else {
    out <- list(weights = NA, n_weights = n_nonzero, weighted_snps = NA, R2_mean = NA, R2_sd = NA,
                inR2 = NA, pval_est = NA, rho_avg = NA, rho_se= NA, 
                rho_zscore= NA, rho_avg_squared= NA, zscore_pval= NA)

do_covariance <- function(gene_id, cis_gt, rsids, varIDs, out_file) {
  model_gt <- cis_gt[,varIDs, drop=FALSE]
  geno_cov <- cov(model_gt)
  cov_df <- data.frame(gene=character(),rsid1=character(),rsid2=character(), covariance=double())
  for (i in 1:length(rsids)) {
    for (j in i:length(rsids)) {
      #print(c(i, j))
      cov_df <- tryCatch(rbind(cov_df, data.frame(gene=gene_id,rsid1=rsids[i], rsid2=rsids[j], covariance=geno_cov[i,j])),
                         error = function(cond) browser())
  write.table(cov_df, file = out_file, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, sep = " ")

Set paths

# suppressMessages(library(glue))

# chrom <- 1
# snp_annot_file <- glue("/beagle3/haky/users/saideep/projects/aracena_modeling/linearization/standard_predictDB_aracena_Flu_singlenested_3_7_lnormTRUE_beforeTRUE_scale1/work/f4/d22672a23ca1dffefd3d786b20333b/snp_file")
# gene_annot_file <- "/beagle3/haky/users/saideep/projects/aracena_modeling/linearization/standard_predictDB_aracena_Flu_singlenested_3_7_lnormTRUE_beforeTRUE_scale1/work/f4/d22672a23ca1dffefd3d786b20333b/gene_annot.parsed.txt"
# genotype_file <- glue("/beagle3/haky/users/saideep/projects/aracena_modeling/linearization/standard_predictDB_aracena_Flu_singlenested_3_7_lnormTRUE_beforeTRUE_scale1/work/f4/d22672a23ca1dffefd3d786b20333b/genotype_file")
# expression_file <- "/beagle3/haky/users/saideep/projects/aracena_modeling/linearization/standard_predictDB_aracena_Flu_singlenested_3_7_lnormTRUE_beforeTRUE_scale1/work/f4/d22672a23ca1dffefd3d786b20333b/transposed_gene_exp.txt"
# covariates_file <- NULL
# n_k_folds <- 10

# suppressMessages(library(dplyr))
# suppressMessages(library(glmnet))
# suppressMessages((library(reshape2)))
# suppressMessages(library(methods))
# suppressMessages(library(tools))
# "%&%" <- function(a,b) paste(a,b, sep = "")


read gene get_gene_annotation

# gene_annot <- get_gene_annotation(gene_annot_file, chrom)
# expr_df <- get_gene_expression(expression_file, gene_annot)
# samples <- rownames(expr_df)
# n_samples <- length(samples)
# genes <- colnames(expr_df)
# n_genes <- length(expr_df)
# snp_annot <- get_filtered_snp_annot(snp_annot_file)

# maf=0.01
# gt_df <- get_maf_filtered_genotype(genotype_file, maf, samples)

# print(dim(gene_annot))
# print(dim(expr_df))
# print(dim(gt_df))
# print(dim(snp_annot))

# print(intersect(rownames(gt_df), rownames(expr_df)))
# print(length(intersect(rownames(gt_df), rownames(expr_df))))
# prefix <- "/beagle3/haky/users/saideep/github_repos/Daily-Blog-Sai/posts/2024-02-26-write_predict_db_checks"

# seed <- 1
# n_times <- 3

# cis_window <- 1e6
# alpha <- 0.5

Set seed and cv fold_idxs

# # Set seed and cross-validation fold ids----
# seed <- ifelse(is.na(seed), sample(1:1000000, 1), seed)
# set.seed(seed)
# cv_fold_ids <- matrix(nrow = n_samples, ncol = n_times)
# for (j in 1:n_times)
#   cv_fold_ids[,j] <- sample(1:n_k_folds, n_samples, replace = TRUE)

Start training models

# # Prepare output data----

# for (i in 1:5) {
#     cat(i, "/", n_genes, "\n")
#     gene <- genes[i]
#     gene_name <- gene_annot$gene_name[gene_annot$gene_id == gene]
#     gene_type <- get_gene_type(gene_annot, gene)
#     coords <- get_gene_coords(gene_annot, gene)
#     cis_gt <- get_cis_genotype(gt_df, snp_annot, coords, cis_window)

#     if (ncol(cis_gt) >= 2) {
#       expression_vec <- expr_df[,i]
#       if (is.null(NULL)) {
#         adj_expression <- as.matrix(expression_vec)
#         rownames(adj_expression) <- rownames(expr_df)
#       } else {
#         adj_expression <- adjust_for_covariates(expression_vec, covariates_df)
#       }
#       # Filter out samples that are in both expression and genotype data.
#       adj_expression <- as.matrix(adj_expression[(rownames(adj_expression) %in% rownames(cis_gt)),])
#       # sort row names to be in the same order for X and y
#       cis_gt = cis_gt[match(rownames(adj_expression), rownames(cis_gt)),]

#       elnet_out <- do_elastic_net(cis_gt, adj_expression, n_k_folds, cv_fold_ids, n_times, alpha)
#       if (length(elnet_out) > 0) {
#         eval <- evaluate_performance(cis_gt, adj_expression, elnet_out$cv_fit, 
#         elnet_out$best_lam_ind, elnet_out$best_lambda, cv_fold_ids, n_k_folds)
#         model_summary <- c(gene, gene_name, gene_type, alpha, ncol(cis_gt),           elnet_out$min_avg_cvm, elnet_out$best_lam_ind,
#                            elnet_out$best_lambda, eval$n_weights, eval$R2_mean, eval$R2_sd, eval$inR2,
#                            eval$pval_est, eval$rho_avg, eval$rho_se, eval$rho_zscore, eval$rho_avg_squared, eval$zscore_pval)
#         print(model_summary)
#         print(eval)
#         print(length(model_summary))
#     }
#   }
# }


Prechecks should be:

1.) Gene overlap between expression data and gene annotations should be high relative to the number of genes in the expression data.

2.) Sample overlap between expression data and genotype data should be high relative to the number of samples in the expression data.

3.) SNP overlap between genotype data and SNP annotations should be high relative to the number of SNPs in the genotype data.

4.) Formatting of each file should match documentation

# summ <- read.table("/beagle3/haky/users/saideep/projects/aracena_modeling/linearization/standard_predictDB_aracena_Flu_singlenested_3_7_lnormTRUE_beforeTRUE_scale1/work/f4/d22672a23ca1dffefd3d786b20333b/summary/Model_training_chr1_model_summaries.txt")
# summ