title: "analyze_xwas_results"
author: "Saideep Gona"
date: "2024-06-07"
code-fold: true
code-summary: "Show the code"
freeze: true
warning: false
server: shiny
description: "After running summary predixcan on different epigeneti marks and disease conditions, we can analyze the results to see if these marks help identify associations with disease."
library (plotly)
library (ggplot2)
library (shiny)
# library(htmlwidgets)
path_to_full_spredixcan_results = "/beagle3/haky/users/saideep/projects/aracena_modeling/SPrediXcan/sumstats_formatted/asthma_eczema_farreira_susie/enformer_preds/spredixcan/spredixcan_results_full.txt"
full_spredixcan_results = read.table (path_to_full_spredixcan_results, header = T, sep = " \t " )
print (head (full_spredixcan_results))
full_spredixcan_results$ neglog10p = - log10 (full_spredixcan_results$ pvalue)
library (ggplot2)
# ggplot(full_spredixcan_results, aes(x=modality, y=gene, fill=pvalue)) +
# geom_raster() +
# theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1), # lables vertical
# strip.text.y = element_blank()) + #remove facet bar on y
# scale_fill_gradient(low = "darkblue", high = "lightblue") +
# ggtitle("XWAS of fine-mapped Allergy Eczema Loci") +
# facet_grid(cols = vars(full_spredixcan_results$condition), scales = "free", space="free_y") #facets to add gaps
# library(ggplot2)
# ggplot(full_spredixcan_results, aes(x=condition, y=gene, fill=pvalue)) +
# geom_raster() +
# theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1), # lables vertical
# strip.text.y = element_blank()) + #remove facet bar on y
# scale_fill_gradient(low = "darkblue", high = "lightblue") +
# ggtitle("XWAS of fine-mapped Allergy Eczema Loci") +
# facet_grid(cols = vars(full_spredixcan_results$modality), scales = "free", space="free_y") #facets to add gaps
# ggplot(full_spredixcan_results, aes(x=modality, y=gene, fill=neglog10p)) +
# geom_raster() +
# theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1), # lables vertical
# strip.text.y = element_blank()) + #remove facet bar on y
# scale_fill_gradient(low = "darkblue", high = "lightblue") +
# ggtitle("XWAS of fine-mapped Allergy Eczema Loci") +
# facet_grid(cols = vars(full_spredixcan_results$condition), scales = "free", space="free_y") #facets to add gaps
# ggplot(full_spredixcan_results, aes(x=condition, y=gene, fill=neglog10p)) +
# geom_raster() +
# theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1), # lables vertical
# strip.text.y = element_blank()) + #remove facet bar on y
# scale_fill_gradient(low = "darkblue", high = "lightblue") +
# ggtitle("XWAS of fine-mapped Allergy Eczema Loci") +
# facet_grid(cols = vars(full_spredixcan_results$modality), scales = "free", space="free_y") #facets to add gaps
# #| context: server
# library(plotly)
# library(ggplot2)
# library(htmlwidgets)
# # start of copy
# inter_plot1 <- ggplot(full_spredixcan_results, aes(x=condition, y=gene, fill=neglog10p)) +
# geom_raster() +
# # theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1), # lables vertical
# # strip.text.y = element_blank()) + #remove facet bar on y
# scale_fill_gradient(low = "darkblue",
# high = "lightblue") +
# ggtitle("XWAS of fine-mapped Allergy Eczema Loci") +
# facet_grid(cols = vars(full_spredixcan_results$modality), scales = "free", space="free_y") #facets to add gaps
# fig_plotly <- ggplotly(inter_plot1)
# fig_plotly <- fig_plotly %>%
# layout(
# hovermode = "closest",
# hoverlabel = list(bgcolor = "white",
# font = list(family = "Arial", size = 16, color = "black")
# )
# )
# for(i in seq_along(fig_plotly$x$data)){
# fig_plotly <- fig_plotly %>%
# add_trace(
# data = fig_plotly$x$data[[i]],
# x - fig_plotly$x$data[[i]]$x,
# y = fig_plotly$x$data[[i]]$y,
# type = "scatter",
# mode = "markers",
# marker = list(color = fig_plotly$x$data[[i]]$fill),
# hoverinfo = "text",
# text = ~paste("Gene: ", gene, "<br>Condition: ", condition, "<br>Modality: ", modality, "<br>neglog10p: ", neglog10p)
# )
# }
# # end of copy
# # trace delete
# # fig_plotly$x$data <- fig_plotly$x$data[seq_len(length(fig_plotly$x$data) - 1)]
# # fig_plotly$x$data <- fig_plotly$x$data[seq_len(length(fig_plotly$x$data)/2)]
# fig_plotly
# UI for Shiny app
# ui <- fluidPage(
# titlePanel(“Population by Continent Over Time”),
# sidebarLayout(
# mainPanel(
# plotlyOutput(“plot”)
# )
# )
# )
# ui <- navbarPage("test",
# tabPanel("test_tab"),
# mainPanel(
# plotlyOutput("plot")
# )
# )
# print(ui)
```{r, xwas_app_v2_working_version}
# library(shiny)
# library(plotly)
# library(ggplot2)
# library(htmlwidgets)
# ui <- navbarPage("XWAS App",
# tabPanel("XWAS Tab Name"),
# mainPanel(
# plotlyOutput("plot")
# )
# )
# # Server logic for Shiny app
# server <- function(input, output) {
# # Reactive expression for filtered data
# # filtered_data <- reactive({
# # df_cnt %>% filter(year == input$year)
# # })
# #plot1
# output$plot <- renderPlotly({
# inter_plot1 <- ggplot(full_spredixcan_results, aes(x=condition, y=gene,
# text = paste("Gene: ", gene, "<br>Condition: ", condition, "<br>Modality: ", modality, "<br>neglog10p: ", neglog10p),
# # text = paste("Modality: ", modality),
# fill=neglog10p)) +
# geom_raster() +
# # theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1), # lables vertical
# # strip.text.y = element_blank()) + #remove facet bar on y
# scale_fill_gradient(low = "darkblue",
# high = "lightblue") +
# ggtitle("XWAS of fine-mapped Allergy Eczema Loci") +
# facet_grid(cols = vars(full_spredixcan_results$modality), scales = "free", space="free_y") #facets to add gaps
# fig_plotly <- ggplotly(inter_plot1, tooltip="text")
# })
# }
# # Run the Shiny app
# shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
```{r, xwas_app_v3}
# # library(shiny)
# # library(plotly)
# # library(ggplot2)
# # library(htmlwidgets)
# library(plotly)
# library(ggplot2)
# library(shiny)
# # library(htmlwidgets)
# path_to_full_spredixcan_results = "/beagle3/haky/users/saideep/projects/aracena_modeling/SPrediXcan/sumstats_formatted/asthma_eczema_farreira_susie/enformer_preds/spredixcan/spredixcan_results_full.txt"
# full_spredixcan_results = read.table(path_to_full_spredixcan_results, header = T, sep = "\t")
# print(head(full_spredixcan_results))
# full_spredixcan_results$neglog10p = -log10(full_spredixcan_results$pvalue)
# # define global variables
# facet_variables <- c("condition", "modality")
# x_variables <- c("condition", "modality")
# ui <- navbarPage("XWAS App",
# tabPanel("XWAS Tab Name",
# sidebarPanel(t
# h4("Change Plot Settings"),
# selectInput("select_facet_variable",
# "Select facet variable",
# choices = facet_variables,
# selected = choices[1]
# ),
# selectInput("select_x_variable",
# "Select x variable",
# choices = x_variables,
# selected = choices[1]
# )
# ),
# mainPanel(
# h3("XWAS of fine-mapped Allergy Eczema Loci"),
# plotlyOutput("plot1")
# )
# )
# )
# # ui <- navbarPage("XWAS App",
# # tabPanel("XWAS Tab Name",
# # sidebarPanel(
# # h4("Change Plot Settings"),
# # selectInput("select_facet_variable",
# # "Select facet variable",
# # choices = facet_variables,
# # selected = choices[1]
# # ),
# # selectInput("select_x_variable",
# # "Select x variable",
# # choices = x_variables,
# # selected = choices[1]
# # )
# # )
# # ),
# # mainPanel(
# # plotlyOutput("plot1")
# # )
# # )
# # Server logic for Shiny app
# server <- function(input, output, session) {
# # Reactive expression for filtered data
# # filtered_data <- reactive({
# # df_cnt %>% filter(year == input$year)
# # })
# #Used to observe the facet and x selection
# observe({
# facet_variable <- input$select_facet_variable
# second_x_variable <- facet_variables[facet_variables != facet_variable]
# updateSelectInput(session,
# 'select_x_variable',
# choices = second_x_variable,
# selected = second_x_variable[1])
# })
# #Plot1 - Facet = Modality, x = condition
# output$plot1 <- renderPlotly({
# inter_plot1 <- ggplot(full_spredixcan_results, aes(x=input$select_x_variable, y=gene,
# text = paste("Gene: ", gene, "<br>Condition: ", condition, "<br>Modality: ", modality, "<br>neglog10p: ", neglog10p),
# # text = paste("Modality: ", modality),
# fill=neglog10p)) +
# geom_raster() +
# # theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1), # lables vertical
# # strip.text.y = element_blank()) + #remove facet bar on y
# scale_fill_gradient(low = "darkblue",
# high = "lightblue") +
# ggtitle("XWAS of fine-mapped Allergy Eczema Loci") +
# facet_grid(cols = vars(full_spredixcan_results$input$select_facet_variable), scales = "free", space="free_y") #facets to add gaps
# fig_plotly <- ggplotly(inter_plot1, tooltip="text")
# })
# }
# # Run the Shiny app
# shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
```{r, hover_text_with_R_and_plotly}
# inter_plot1 <- ggplot(full_spredixcan_results, aes(x=condition, y=gene,
# # text = paste("Gene: ", gene, "<br>Condition: ", condition, "<br>Modality: ", modality, "<br>neglog10p: ", neglog10p),
# text = paste("Modality: ", modality),
# fill=neglog10p)) +
# geom_raster() +
# # theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1), # lables vertical
# # strip.text.y = element_blank()) + #remove facet bar on y
# scale_fill_gradient(low = "darkblue",
# high = "lightblue") +
# ggtitle("XWAS of fine-mapped Allergy Eczema Loci") +
# facet_grid(cols = vars(full_spredixcan_results$modality), scales = "free", space="free_y") #facets to add gaps
# fig_plotly <- ggplotly(inter_plot1)
# fig_plotly
```{r, xwas_app_v4_latest_working_app}
#| context: server
library (shiny)
library (plotly)
# Sample data for select inputs
facet_variables <- c ("condition" , "modality" )
x_variables <- c ("condition" , "modality" )
color_variables <- c ("neglog10p" , "var_g" )
ui <- navbarPage ("XWAS App" ,
tabPanel ("XWAS Tab Name" ,
sidebarPanel (
h4 ("Change Plot Settings" ),
selectInput ("select_facet_variable" ,
"Select facet variable" ,
choices = facet_variables,
selected = facet_variables[1 ]
selectInput ("select_x_variable" ,
"Select x variable" ,
choices = x_variables,
selected = x_variables[1 ]
selectInput ("select_color_variable" ,
"Select color variable" ,
choices = color_variables,
selected = color_variables[1 ]
mainPanel (
h3 ("XWAS of fine-mapped Allergy Eczema Loci" ),
plotlyOutput ("plot1" )
server <- function (input, output, session) {
observe ({
facet_variable <- input$ select_facet_variable
second_x_variable <- facet_variables[facet_variables != facet_variable]
updateSelectInput (session,
'select_x_variable' ,
choices = second_x_variable,
selected = second_x_variable[1 ])
# Plot1 - Facet = Modality, x = condition
output$ plot1 <- renderPlotly ({
inter_plot1 <- ggplot (full_spredixcan_results, aes_string (x = input$ select_x_variable, y = "gene" ,
# text = paste(
# "Gene: ", full_spredixcan_results$gene,
# "<br>Condition: ", full_spredixcan_results$condition,
# "<br>Modality: ", full_spredixcan_results$modality,
# "<br>neglog10p: ", full_spredixcan_results$neglog10p),
fill = input$ select_color_variable
)) +
geom_raster (aes (
text = paste (
"Gene: " , gene,
"<br>Condition: " , condition,
"<br>Modality: " , modality,
"<br>neglog10p: " , neglog10p)
)) +
scale_fill_gradient (low = "darkblue" , high = "lightblue" ) +
ggtitle ("XWAS of fine-mapped Allergy Eczema Loci" ) +
facet_grid (cols = vars (full_spredixcan_results[[input$ select_facet_variable]]), scales = "free" , space = "free_y" )
fig_plotly <- ggplotly (inter_plot1, tooltip = "text" )
shinyApp (ui = ui, server = server)